Thursday, August 12, 2010

meet u in jusco sushi king

loooong time did't write blog ady~
some fuckin bullshit like to ply against hor?
i will ply with u de~~
don't thing u r the best~!
u r just a little girl same like others~
u r not special...
hope u having a new bf~
i will never waiting for anyone...anything...
k..whatever lah~
many ppl like to ply...erm..."dry sister&brother"
don't call me be ur "dry brother"if i reluctant...
lolz...damn boring at all.....
tomorrow still having school at 12am++ady...
from now on till 24/8/ ghost door opened
are u guys scared?or what?
i'm scared bcs these day i keep bully some ppl....
en kit keong is the one i keep bully...
my life 4ever boring nia?
i wanna slp lah...
but i must finish my homework first....
12.10am ady OMG i can't finish homework...
maybe teacher will scold me for my homework by the way...
facebook no more ppl online...
no ppl chat wif me~
time to slp....strange...
really boring!
kissing u~
boring.... my crush object slp d~~~.....
no more happiness&entertainment
a pig is now sleeping beside bro
want to punch is stomach lah~~~!!!
i am going to bed... but not now...
starting"upgrade"my body d....
wad to do now?!?!
tomorrow having science lesson...
sure happy~
but b.m lesson sure boring bcs i dunno wad cikgu tan is talking about
but i can degestion some~~
anything to write??
...if no more then i'm gonna slp......with U
haha...just guess the "u"is who......
u sure wrong lah~~
that"u" homework
tomorrow maybe i will go jusco secretly with my friend~~
if u have go to jusco... i will wait u at sushi king....2pm~3pm
maybe 3pm~4pm i will at cyber in kipark
almost all.....
1st commenter have prize

1st:a punch
2nd:a kick:
3rd:a kiss~~

good9 everyone.... hope u all having a bad dream!